
The $250K Punch: Kanye West Reportedly Settles With Teen He Allegedly Slugged For Dissing Kim!

Kanye West quietly settled with the 18-year-old he allegedly punched at a Beverly Hills doctor office earlier this month for a hefty six-figure sum — more than $250,000.
According to reports, the teen wanted to avoid the public spectacle that would come with a trial, so attorneys for both sides entered into negotiations for a settlement last week.
West’s baby mama and fiancee, Kim Kardashian, claimed the teenager taunted her when the two were face-to-face at the chiropractor’s office, calling her the N-word among many other derogatory terms.
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After calling West to come to her rescue, the angry rapper reportedly punched the teen more than 30 times, although he had no apparent injuries.
And because the teen settled with West, the District Attorney’s Office is not likely to go after the 36-year-old with any criminal charges because the “victim” does not want to cooperate.
West has a spotty record when it comes to anger-fueled incidents, including attending anger management classes after being accused of roughing up a photographer at LAX in 2008.


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